Why Use Dry Erase Walls in Your Architectural Firm?

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Why Use Premium Dry Erase Walls in Your Architectural Firm?

Why Use Dry Erase Walls in Your Architectural Firm
Top-quality dry erase painted walls hold great potential for increasing efficiency, creativity, and intra-office communications in architectural firms. Architects spend the bulk of their time developing design ideas for buildings such as offices, hotels, healthcare facilities, and schools. Virtually every aspect of their work is visual in nature, so it’s essential to have a large enough surface to work on for developing ideas without being concerned about running out of space. Traditional writing and drawing media, such as flip charts and framed whiteboards, are too limited in size to satisfy the creative needs of most architects and designers.

On the other hand, with their vast, open-ended, easily erased canvases, high-quality dry erase painted walls are much better options than other surfaces for serving the purposes of architects. The article below presents some of the many benefits that architecture firms can enjoy by using dry erase walls in the workplace.

Dry Erase Walls Give Architects Large Surfaces for Generating Initial Design Ideas

Every architectural project begins with an idea to be formulated and developed. Architecture firms are typically given briefs by their clients, who tell the architects what they’re looking for in a structure and provide a summary of the project they have in mind. From this information, it’s the architects’ job to come up with the initial visuals for the structure. This is the stage in the design process when large writable surfaces can be especially helpful. Through the effective use of dry erase walls, architects can delve into and expand on their ideas more easily and completely than would be possible on the limited writing and drawing surfaces of conventional whiteboards or flip charts.

Dry Erase Walls Also Enhance Project Presentation and Planning

Top-quality dry erase painted walls are not just helpful during the initial design phase of a project. Architects can also use them to improve and expedite the various stages of planning as a project progresses. With a highly functional dry erase wall, you can keep track of all the steps involved in the work process, from formulating an original structural design idea to the final stages of project completion. And by simply erasing completed tasks from a list you create on your wall then adding new ones if necessary, you can even stay up to date with every task involved in the project as it moves along.

Architects Can Benefit from a Dry Erase Wall’s Multi-faceted Functionality

When using premium dry erase walls to design projects, there’s no need to stick to their writing and drawing function alone. Architects also have the option of using dry erase walls as screens for video and slide projection and as a handy place to hang essential project documents through the use of the innovative product GoodHangups. Using GoodHangups, you won’t have to keep the documents in a file cabinet or drawer. They’ll be accessible right on your wall to be referenced for the entire duration of a project.

GoodHangups, which are available on the ReMARKable website, consist simply of magnets and magnetized stickers, so no drilling into your dry erase surface is needed for mounting. Just place the stickers at appropriate places on your wall and use the magnets to put up your project documents.

You can also project digital images of a structural design onto your dry erase wall and write any comments or changes around the images with a low-odor dry erase marker. Thus, instead of having to stare at a small computer screen, your team of architects can see the whole design displayed in large form. This approach offers a much more efficient way to make edits than using a computer or laptop.

These are just some of the many options that the multi-functional quality of dry erase walls provides for architects.

Environmental Friendliness is a Hallmark of Top-quality Dry Erase Surfaces

By applying top-quality dry erase paint in the workplace, it’s easy for an architecture firm to transform its office walls, desks, doors, and other areas into writable surfaces that are great for developing prescriptive ideas and communicating with clients. As mentioned above, the entire sequence of an architectural team’s thoughts, from the earliest concept of a structure to its final implementation, can be presented on a durable, eco-friendly dry erase wall. In this way, architects and designers are able to explore and expand on their original ideas and images without needing to use a single piece of paper, and so help to reduce the damaging impact of deforestation and paper waste.

By simply drawing all of your concepts on the wall, your team of architects can provide clients with large, easily studied overviews of a prospective project without the hassle of shuffling papers that might be discarded instead of recycled. And when mistakes are made, or a diagram needs to be edited or restarted, the wall can be quickly wiped clean with a microfiber cloth. Then the session can continue as long as necessary until the client sees an idea that he or she likes and wants to have implemented.

Premium Dry Erase Walls are Exceptionally Cost Effective

Besides being of great use to architects during work projects, top-quality dry erase walls are much more economical than framed whiteboards or interactive whiteboards. Architectural firms can thus save a lot of money over time if they apply dry erase paint to one or more surfaces in the workplace.

Each time their brief lifetimes’ end, traditional whiteboards are costly to replace. In contrast, the cost of dry erase painted walls is much lower. For instance, it’s possible to coat a 100-square-foot wall with premium dry erase paint for 60% less than the price of a similar-sized framed whiteboard.

Top-quality Dry Erase Walls are Extremely Durable

Premium dry erase painted walls come with a warranty that guarantees against yellowing, peeling, and cracking for ten or more years of regular use and maintenance. This fact ensures that architects will have a reliable canvas on which to do their structural design and development work without having to worry about recoating for a long time. When erased with a microfiber cloth and periodically cleaned with microfiber fabric and water, the walls are also highly resistant to smudging and streaking and consistently provide an attractive writable surface.

In-office and Remote Communications are Made Easier with Dry Erase Walls

In-person and remote communications among architectural team members become much smoother when your office is equipped with a large, easy-to-use premium dry erase wall, which is great for initiating and developing visual concepts and conveying them to others. In dealing with buildings and masses, as architects do, it’s highly beneficial to be able to sketch things out on the large surface of a dry erase wall rather than trying to explain them verbally or present them on small computer or laptop screens.

Dry Erase Walls Create a More Collaborative Workspace than Other Media

Premium dry erase walls are also collaborative by nature and are thus conducive to highly creative thinking during team interactions. The walls provide an excellent means for architectural development teams to discuss ideas, examine design-related images, and flesh out project plans. Putting a low-odor dry erase marker in a team member’s hands can result in a surprising amount of development and the generation of new, often groundbreaking, ideas.

Premium dry erase walls may also be used to keep track of how design ideas are progressing and how various features are being developed and kept on schedule. In addition, the use of GoodHangups enables team members to take notes and documents from other meetings and attach them to the wall for examination by the group.

Overall, highly functional dry erase surfaces are great for visual thinkers like architects and designers and can make a tremendous difference in the way your team works. If you’re an architect or designer, why not try out top-quality dry erase surfaces and experience their benefits for yourself?

Why Use Dry Erase Walls in Your Architectural Firm?
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Why Use Dry Erase Walls in Your Architectural Firm?
Learn why to use dry erase walls in your architectural firm. Brought to you by ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint.
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ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint
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