Using a Dry Erase Painted Wall to Enhance Productivity

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Using a Dry Erase Painted Wall to Enhance Productivity
Using a Dry Erase Painted Wall to Enhance Productivity

Productivity is a topic that seems to be on every business owner’s mind these days, with countless books, seminars, and other approaches being promoted online and in the media. One of the most potent productivity-boosting tools available today is the top-quality dry erase painted wall. Some of the many ways in which it can be used to help your team reach its full potential and achieve your company’s goals will be discussed below.

Write Down Your Company’s Vision Statement

A vision statement, the groundwork of any strategic plan, delineates what an organization ultimately aims to achieve and provides a rationale for its existence. A well-crafted vision statement should be brief, straightforward, related to your business, and easy to interpret. It should also reflect a sense of purpose. Finally, it’s a way to convey what you and your organization are trying to achieve to anyone who visits your space.

A dry erase wall is an ideal surface on which to post your vision statement, as it offers a vast slate that can accommodate large lettering to make a strong impression on those who come to your business office, retail shop, restaurant, or other venue. To make your statement even more eye-catching, you can write it in a color of ink other than black, such as blue or green. Doing so will add a touch of originality to the text and reflect your organization’s dynamic, creative spirit.

Monitor Your Ongoing Business Progress

The monitoring of progress in business organizations involves systematically collecting, evaluating, and using data to track a program’s movement toward reaching its goals and inform management about productive approaches to decision-making. To conduct effective progress monitoring, it’s essential to meet weekly with your team members to check on the development of your business plan. You should review your action plan’s advancement at these meetings using your dry erase wall.

Outlining on the wall what has already been achieved in reaching your yearly business goal and hitting your revenue target will help hold your team accountable. Through this technique, they can more easily see and achieve the objectives that will move your organization closer to fulfilling its vision. Because of the large surface area of a dry erase wall, you can write in large letters and numbers to powerfully display the specifics of your team’s progress. This will impress on their minds the importance of doing their part to reach your company’s goal for the year.

Easily Communicate Key Details About Your Progress

Leaving the information presented in your progress monitoring meetings posted on your wall will ensure that your team always knows the details of precisely what they need to do. This will make it easier to keep the data relevant and up to date by letting the team make changes to reflect new developments in your steps forward toward achieving your goal.

Have Fun with Your Whiteboard Wall during Breaks

A dry erase painted wall provides a vast, inviting slate that can offer hours of relief from laborious work for those creative and inspired enough to see its potential. During lunchtime and break periods, people can use blank areas of your wall for spur-of-the-moment doodling and sketching. Studies show that making spontaneous marks with a pen, pencil, dry erase marker, or other writing tool stimulates the mind and body to help people think. Although it’s generally associated with fun leisure time, doodling is an under appreciated and underutilized learning tool and a simple way to calm nerves.

Besides being an entertaining way to get through an extended team meeting, doodling has many other benefits. For example, scientists, artists, and academics agree that doodling soothes the nerves; it can help you cope with stressful situations such as the pandemic, heavy workloads, and economic downturns. Doodling has also been found to improve concentration by keeping people awake and alert during boring activities while avoiding the complete distraction of daydreaming. So, taking advantage of the vast canvas of your whiteboard-painted wall for occasional doodling can help enhance your team’s productivity and provide a calming, cost-free form of recreation during breaks.

Create a Calendar to Highlight Important Dates and Times

Creating a large calendar on your dry erase wall will make it easy for your team to see what’s happening during a given month. It will also allow for the collective updating and revision of critical milestones in reaching your business goals, along with important event dates and deadlines for completing work projects. To make your calendar a semi-permanent fixture on your wall, you can use a dark-colored dry erase marker, a roll of 1/8″ pinstriping tape, and a yardstick. First, draw a template or outline for the calendar with the marker and yardstick. Then carefully go over the template with the yardstick and pin striping tape to create your calendar and start using it to help enhance your team’s efficiency and productivity.

Utilize Your Dry Erase Wall to Boost Team Meetings

Use your dry erase painted wall to present information and ideas, promote group interaction, and make rapid changes during team meetings. With its open, inviting canvas and great size, your dry erase wall provides the perfect medium for team interfacing during staff meetings and brainstorming sessions, where the goal is to generate ideas for upcoming company projects or products. Even the most introverted or uncommunicative of your team members will feel the urge to express their ideas and feedback on the appealing and engaging space of a dry erase painted wall.

Allowing all of your team members to join in on the action and express themselves on the wall can help elevate your workers, who may typically feel hesitant about sharing their thoughts, to greater expressiveness. In addition, setting everyone loose on the dry erase wall will unleash many more ideas during staff meetings, brainstorming sessions, and other times of the day. This will, in turn, result in enhanced worker performance and productivity and more freedom to openly communicate opinions and information among your colleagues.

Present Digital Videos at Meetings with Ease

Using a digital projector with the accompaniment of a whiteboard-painted wall can be an excellent way to help you explain complex concepts and present new information to your team. Top-quality dry erase paint has a slightly satin finish that permits whiteboard walls to be easily erased and also cuts down on the glare emitted from a digital projector’s globe. For this reason, dry erase painted surfaces act as excellent projector screens for presenting slides and videos during your in-person and virtual meetings, training seminars, company conferences, and other activities.

In fact, the white version of dry erase paint has the lowest degree of sheen of any brand of dry erase paint on the market. Consequently, a wall coated with premium white dry erase paint will be highly effective if used as a screen with any quality brand of short-throw projector. Using your dry erase surface in this way can rejuvenate both your in-office and virtual meetings and inspire your team to new levels of creativity and enjoyment of their work.

Leave Important Messages for Team Members and Clients

Using a large dry erase wall can help keep several essential messages in one convenient and noticeable place, providing a constant reminder for team members that the messages need to be acted upon. In addition, writing the messages in unusual-looking lettering will make the reminders even easier to remember. This is so because odd-looking or unfamiliar writing styles leave a stronger impression on the brain than writing in a more traditional style or font. Although many people believe that text written in large letters is easier to remember, the font size has been found to have no effect on memory of written material. However, recent research reveals that people retain information of any kind much better when they study it in a font that is both unknown to them and difficult to read.

The reason that unusual or difficult-to-read fonts are effective in helping people remember information is that these types of letters cause us to think more deeply about the material we read. It’s impossible to skim over material that’s in hard-to-read lettering, so reading text in a hard-to-interpret font forces us to study it more closely and thus retain the information better. So, writing in an unfamiliar style on your dry erase wall will help to ensure that your team members carefully read your memos and thus become more likely to fulfill your wishes.

Using a Dry Erase Painted Wall to Enhance Productivity
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Using a Dry Erase Painted Wall to Enhance Productivity
Learn how using a dry erase painted wall can enhance productivity. Brought to you by ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint.
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ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint
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