

Whiteboard Coated Walls – Ideal Writing Media for the Homeschool Environment

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Whiteboard walls - Ideal Writing Media for the Homeschool Environment
Whiteboard Coated Walls: Ideal Writing Media for the Homeschool Environment

When it comes to writing and drawing surfaces, homeschooling families often make use of traditional framed whiteboards, paper notebooks, or flip charts for teaching and scheduling. However, the size constraints and other downsides of standard whiteboards and paper-based teaching tools make them less than ideal for everyday use in the homeschool setting. By contrast, a whiteboard coated wall in the homeschool environment allows for an endless range of classroom activities that are not possible or more limited in scope when using traditional whiteboards, flip charts, or paper and pencil. In addition, whiteboard coated surfaces are easier to erase, more cost-effective, and more eco-friendly than both standard whiteboards and paper-based teaching implements. The following are some advantages of whiteboard coated walls that make them superior to other writing and drawing surfaces for use in the active homeschool environment.

Large Multi-Purpose Surfaces

Many homeschoolers use conventional framed whiteboards for posting family members’ lesson schedules for the day, week, or month, and some manufacturers now offer whiteboards imprinted with calendars to use for this purpose. Others offer boards with pre-printed checklists for writing children’s daily assignments and for keeping track of what work gets done each day. Although handy, these surfaces are small in size, and the spaces provided for making entries are also quite small, so they offer only a limited amount of area for writing. This is an even greater problem with calendars and checklists printed on 8 ½” x 11” paper or on flip charts, where reading content can be challenging. By comparison, the vast canvas of a top-quality whiteboard coated wall stretches from floor to ceiling, so homeschoolers have more than enough room to create calendars, post schedules, and make checklists in large letters and numerals that are easy to see and remember. Homeschooled children thus have a virtually unlimited amount of surface area on which to check off assignments as they’re completed, while parents can easily see the work that’s been done and write comments on the children’s progress during a day, week or month.

Homeschooled children may also benefit from having portable whiteboard coated boards for personal use in doing math problems, making notes on assigned readings, and other activities, instead of using notebook paper for these tasks. These boards, which may be produced by coating pieces of particle board with whiteboard paint, can also be useful for tasks like studying spelling words, working on verb conjugations, and recording significant names and dates during history lessons. The names and dates on the boards can then be transferred to a large chronological timeline created on a whiteboard coated wall. The great size of such a graphic can help children see the progress of historical events through time, as well as their cause-and-effect relationships. An added benefit of the portable coated boards is their easy erasability compared to notebook paper or flip charts, which always look messy when multiple erasures are made.

Ease of Erasing is a Standard Feature

The subject of easy erasability also applies to the large surfaces of whiteboard coated walls. Imagine trying to make use of a traditional whiteboard to practice spelling words, do math problems, or study verb conjugations, and have traces of previous markings still be present because the board didn’t come completely clean when erased. Having the remnants of past dry-erase markings remain behind, called “ghosting,” is a common problem with many whiteboards, especially those of lower quality. However, ghosting is not an issue with premium whiteboard coated walls, as their highly impermeable surfaces can be cleanly and quickly erased with a microfiber cloth after every use so that new dry erase markings are always clear and legible.

A related situation that many homeschooling families encounter is that certain information may need to be left on a whiteboard for an extended time, for example, when children are memorizing poems for language arts lessons. In such cases, parents might add new lines to the poems every day and ask the children to copy and recite the new lines along with those that are already memorized. Then, after the children have committed the poems to memory and the parents try to erase the text, remnants of the written content may be left behind. In such cases, a top-quality whiteboard coated wall will never present a problem, as all the ink markings used for the lessons can be completely removed with a microfiber cloth so that the next writing on the wall will be clear, smudge-free, and easy to read.

Residual dry-erase ink markings that stay on a whiteboard after it’s erased are especially common with lower-priced boards, which are typically coated with melamine, which can become porous and prone to ghosting after only a few weeks of use. If homeschooling parents read online reviews of traditional whiteboards, they’re sure to find this a common concern among users. Thus, investing in a high-end whiteboard coated wall before the start of a new school year can eliminate the need to buy a new whiteboard in the middle of a busy teaching schedule because the old one is unusable due to ghosting.

Environmental Friendliness is Always Assured

Conventional framed whiteboards are not environmentally friendly. Although using a standard whiteboard conserves paper, homeschooling parents should be aware that lower-end whiteboards won’t hold up for long under regular use and can’t be recycled when they become unusable. High-end whiteboards such as those made of porcelain steel or glass are also non-recyclable, and though they may be more durable than low-end boards, will eventually end up in our already crowded landfills. Also, the manufacturing processes for both low-end and high-end whiteboards are extremely energy-consuming and polluting, and so do great damage to the environment.

In the current age, when far too much unnecessary waste material is being disposed of instead of recycled worldwide, many families feel more comfortable using products they can recycle or reuse repeatedly, and in this way do their part to help conserve resources and preserve the environment. For such families, whiteboard walls are an excellent alternative to conventional whiteboards or paper products, as premium whiteboard coatings consist of non-hazardous eco-friendly ingredients of the highest quality.

The Price is Cost-Effective

As many homeschooling families have to live on only one income, cost is a major factor when planning to buy a writing surface for instructional use. However, even those with tight budgets should avoid pinching pennies in this area because the surface will get a lot of use through the school year, especially if used by several children. It’s better to invest in a durable, high-quality whiteboard coated wall than to buy new conventional whiteboards once or multiple times a year. Fortunately, this option ends up saving you money over time because when applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions supplied with each coating kit, whiteboard coated walls are guaranteed to last ten-plus years with normal use and maintenance. This cost-saving allows every homeschooling family to choose a superior quality writing surface that still fits their needs and budget.

Once a homeschooling family sees how durable and useful whiteboard-coated walls can be, the more will likely they will be to recommend them to other homeschoolers in their circle or online. Being always on hand and convenient to use, the walls can serve a wide range of functions based on the instructional needs of parents and children and may even be used for entertainment after teaching sessions are over or during breaks in the day’s schedule. During such times, children can use the wall to write stories or poems, draw pictures, or develop creative ideas for upcoming holiday celebrations. In this way, recreation can be combined with learning to make the homeschool experience more fun and less like formal classwork so that the days can go by more smoothly and enjoyably.

Whiteboard walls - Ideal Writing Media for the Homeschool Environment
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Whiteboard walls - Ideal Writing Media for the Homeschool Environment
See why whiteboard walls are the ideal writing media for the homeschool environment. Whiteboard walls - Ideal Writing Media for the Homeschool Environment
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Remarkable Whiteboard Paint
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Home / News / Whiteboard Coated Walls – Ideal Writing Media for the Homeschool Environment

Posted: February 15, 2021


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