Benefits of Commercial Whiteboard Paint

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Commercial Whiteboard Paint

Commercial Whiteboard Paint

Commercial Whiteboard Paint

Besides its commonly recognized use in offices and classrooms, ReMARKable whiteboard paint has a myriad of applications in private residences and commercial buildings. For example business offices, commercial buildings including medical centers, hotels, shopping malls, retail stores, restaurants, farm buildings, multifamily-housing structures, warehouses, mechanic’s shops, and many others. All of these settings are potential sites for applying high-quality whiteboard painted walls to transform their interiors for communication, instruction, business, and other purposes. The following are some novel locations for using and benefiting from whiteboard-painted walls that you may not have thought of.

Commercial Whiteboard Paint for Homes

Combine fun with functionality in your home office, kitchen, furnished basement, family room, children’s rooms and other areas of the house by applying whiteboard painted surfaces.

In the kitchen, in place of a traditional cork bulletin board, which is limited in size and requires the use of easily lost and often painful stick pins, you can install a whiteboard wall that offers a massive surface for posting daily-chore lists, school pick-up times, family travel itineraries, appointment reminders, and a host of other information. Thus, your kitchen wall can become one of the most practical tools for communication in your home — it motivates you, reminds you of what you need to do, and displays your memories and future objectives — a virtually limitless space on which all your family members can write and draw to their hearts’ content.

Covering the walls of your home office space with commercial whiteboard paint gives you the chance to revamp and elevate your standard ways of working. By writing down your ideas, dreams, to-do lists, financial plans, and random inspirations on surfaces that are as high and wide as your imagination, you’ll function in new ways that you never thought possible. The large surface area of a whiteboard painted wall will free up your mind and encourage fresh ideas to take seed, sprout, and grow, whether they’re related to work, domestic chores, recreation, or other interests. whiteboard painted walls have been found to enhance employee productivity, efficiency, and creative thinking in countless business settings around the world, and they’re sure to have the same effect on you in your personal office as well.

Whiteboard painted walls are great additions to children’s rooms too, as they stimulate young imaginations, enhance the learning process outside the classroom, and provide alternative ways to focus attention other than the electronic devices that are all too popular these days. Giving your youngsters the chance to exercise their minds by drawing and writing on a huge surface like a whiteboard wall can inspire highly original thoughts, stories, and artwork. For example, most children enjoy drawing cartoon-like sketches of themselves, their family members, and friends, and what better place to do so than on a massive whiteboard wall! After a drawing is completed, plenty of room will be left on the wall for siblings and parents to write instructive or humorous comments around the sketch, thus making the activity a family affair and promoting good feelings and togetherness.

Moreover, studies show that Whiteboard painted walls in classroom settings improve understanding and retention among students of all ages, so they will undoubtedly have the same effect in your home environment. When your children have homework, they can do outlines for history assignments, produce rough drawings for art projects, solve math problems, diagram sentences, and brainstorm topics for essays. On whiteboard walls, the large open areas permit kids to think and generate ideas and solutions to problems in more expansive ways than they ever could on the tiny screen of a laptop or tablet. Feeling unconstrained, they’ll be able to write and draw from the ceiling to the floor and reach levels of creativity and inspiration that they otherwise couldn’t achieve. For these reasons, having whiteboard painted walls in various parts of your home can be an ideal way to enhance your children’s learning and inventiveness and strengthen family unity at the same time.

Commercial Whiteboard Paint for Restaurants

Give your eatery a distinctive, contemporary feel by transforming its interior space with whiteboard painted walls, which offer attention-grabbing surfaces where you can easily update the day’s food and drink specials, list new menu choices, and offer other information in both the kitchen and dining areas. With a whiteboard wall behind your cash register, customers can easily look up to examine your menu selections, food and drink specials, quotes of the day, nutritional facts about your foods, new additions to the menu, and the like. You can also reserve a space on one wall for customer comments and reviews about their dining experience at your restaurant, and then take pictures of the remarks for later posting on your social media pages or website. In this way, you’ll add a unique, contemporary form of advertising to your standard repertoire of marketing tools.

Your commercial whiteboard wall can also be used for drawing, doodling, and writing, offering a unique artistic touch to your customers’ dining experience. By designating one or several walls in your main room for people to draw and write on, your restaurant can feature a one-of-a-kind and ever-changing interior décor with a mural-like quality, created by patrons and staff in place of traditional wallpaper and paint. Having an entertaining and lively feel, original artwork produced on your whiteboard walls will add a touch of individuality, set the mood for a relaxed, casual dining experience, and serve as an eco-friendly way to display your restaurant’s evolving culinary ideas. In this way, you’ll provide an ever-changing environment and ambiance for your patrons, both regulars and newcomers alike, as well as your staff. Your restaurant’s walls might also feature catchy phrases, inspirational quotes, poems, and recipes from customers and employees. And as in classic Parisian sidewalk bistros, one wall may be dedicated to showcasing the work of local street artists as well as customer graffiti and art.

Commercial Whiteboard paint for hotels

Transform your hotel’s main office area or brainstorming room into a place to manage your operation more effectively and creatively on wall-to-wall whiteboard painted surfaces. With huge open areas on which to write and draw flow charts, graphs, pictures, and the like, whiteboard walls will inspire you to come up with new ways to plan and manage your budget, design employees’ work schedules, devise marketing strategies, coordinate catering and accommodations services, plan maintenance, schedule events, arrange room bookings, and supervise your staff.

Another place where whiteboard painted walls can help you is in your staff room, where they will improve interaction and collaboration among team members at meetings and make organizing easier by offering a huge space to display items such as lists, outlines, and mind maps.
You can also give your busy guests and personnel quick need-to-know information by using whiteboard walls in the lobby area, where they can serve as massive notice boards for posting events for guests; hotel services such as car rental and free Wi-Fi; and hotel rules and guidelines. Also, a designated space on a wall can be used for guests and staff members to write down comments and suggestions and share personal creations or favorites such as aphorisms, poems, and drawings. In this way, you can add a personal touch to everyone’s experience at your hotel and make guests feel more relaxed and at home during their visits.

Moreover, in any of these settings you can use damage-free, reusable magnetic devices (like GoodHangups) that adhere to whiteboard walls without harming the paint, creating holes, or leaving a residue, thus transforming your walls into magnet boards for hanging drawings, posters, notices, photographs, greeting cards, and other items.

The above-mentioned examples of places to apply versatile, eco-friendly ReMARKable whiteboard paint in residential and commercial sites provide just a small sampling of the many options possible.






Benefits of commercial whiteboard paint
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Benefits of commercial whiteboard paint
Benefits of commercial whiteboard paint for the home and office. Brought to you by ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint.
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Posted: October 2, 2019


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